Building better, building smarter: The all-new STEEL HORIZONS | E-Magazine by Howick

Building better, building smarter: The all-new STEEL HORIZONS | E-Magazine by Howick

Within the construction sector, technological change is gathering pace, resulting in better buildings and faster build times. But given the scale of the sector, there is much work still to do. Construction is an 11 trillion US Dollar industry yet shows just 1% growth through adoption of innovative technologies. Compare that to the double-digit growth in sectors like automotive, and the opportunities become clear. 

That is why, last year, Howick introduced the Howick-sponsored STEEL HORIZONS events. These create a platform for leaders in the sector - those who have adopted modern construction technologies and processes - to share their learnings, insights and showcase how they are contributing to better building outcomes for all involved.

Now, to extend the reach of the insights guests enjoy at these events, and to further encourage adoption of smarter construction technology, Howick are delighted to bring you the first edition of STEEL HORIZONS | E-Magazine.

This is a free resource for construction leaders in the format of a digital magazine. In this edition, insights from the expert speakers who presented at STEEL HORIZONS | LONDON 2022 are brought together, plus Howick profile presenters joining the Boston event on June 22, 2023.

Access free

You can access your copy now online. It is free to view, download and share, and there are no forms to fill. 

Smart Construction insights to share?

If you have stories, showcase work or valuable insights you would like Howick to consider for future editions of the STEEL HORIZONS | E-Magazine, they would love to hear from you. Please email full details to: 

For more information on the STEEL HORIZONS events, visit


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